
Mar 8, 2015

A Coat for these early spring days - for autumn too

Hi! I am so happy. I finally finished my coat. Do you know those projects that you think will never be finished? The ones that lie on your basket for months and months and you just do not find it in yourself to continue. Well, this was just like that. First I thought I would knit a cardigan and actually began my project with that thought (some old Novita pattern from a Finnish knitting magazine) but then I changed my mind and wanted to have a coat instead and just improvised. Yes - I wanted to have a  woolen, informal, oversize coat I could wrap myself into and feel perfectly cozy and warm.
I am going to wear the coat during my walks in the forest on these early spring days when the wind is still cold and it is too chilly to wear only dresses. I think the coat goes well together with my dusky pink  linen dress I sew last summer and with some of my other favorites too. Of course I am already dreaming about wearing this during the early autumn. It is just as perfect for October walks with a huge scarf and a pair of wellies. Simple pleasures.
Today we had a lovely bicycle trip alongside the river. I found my first catkins this year and brought some branches home. Catkins are my all time favorite sign of the spring season.

I am wishing you a lovely Sunday and inspiring moments for a new oncoming week.

- Anu


  1. Wow! Your coat is wonderful!!!
    Have a nice time

  2. Thank you dear Jolana!!!

  3. Anonymous6/10/15

    Anu, this is my first time on your blog and I've forgotten the path that led me here, but when I saw your beautiful sweater coat, I was so inspired! I think I'll have to start one of my own. Just the thought of it makes me happy! ;) Thank you for posting it---you MADE MY DAY!!! ~~Sharon
