Hi! I am sitting in my kitchen drinking tea while writing this to you. This kitchen is one of my favourite places in the world. I can see over the fields, my eyes have room to wander. I often see friendly wild life while enjoying my cup of tea. Today I met a huge rabbit. He was staring me as if he wanted to say something through my kitchen window. The birds have also been very busy settling down to their new home. The nesting has begun and there is obviously plenty of "housework" for them to do. How hard working they are! This morning I have also enjoyed a decision I have made which gives me hope and peace. I am ready for the spring to come. Welcome friend!!
The color of the week has been green. I am so hungry for it right now. I kind of love that outfit in the second last picture (The Simple Things/21). Are you hungry for some color right now?
Things I have enjoyed lately:
- my tea moments
- fresh flowers, especially hellebores
- willows, catkins
- color green - everywhere: on clothes, on my plate, in my tea cup, on flowers, pictures...you name it
- gratefullness!!
- my new shower cream called Spring rain
- the scent of spring late in the evenings
- purl soho - beautiful fabrics
- birds singing outside our bedroom window in the mornings
- watching bird nesting
- seeing happiness in the eys of a loved one
- waking up to sunlight
- coming home in daylight
- starting something new with our son - piano lessons
- baking chocolate cakes
- conversations with a true friend
- these lovely parcels I have received from Anna and Liesl. Thank you both so very much!!!!
Anna had sewn me a blouse. LOVE IT!!! Thank you!
I am afraid I have a nasty flu for the second time of this year so today it is going to be just resting and drinking hot, hot tea. At least that is lovely :)
Have a happy week end!